Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Bolivia (2001, Dir. Adrián Caetano)
FILM: Bolivia
YEAR: 2001
DIRECTOR: Adrian Caetano
PINBALL MODEL(S): The Addams Family (1992, Midway)
NOTES: For most people, playing pinball is an exercise in futility. Efforts to control the game are always—sometimes quite swiftly—negated by the countervailing forces of chance and gravity. And then there are those occasions when even the coin slot seems bent on asserting the dominance of the machine over its operator.
The righteous frustration we feel at such moments usually fades quickly, but for the hero of Bolivia, it's a poignant iteration of the harsh difficulties faced by the immigrant class. His daily wage of 15 pesos makes this a relatively costly reminder; one which ultimately tips the narrative toward its tragic conclusion.